Guides to Jomon culture in Hakodate

The Jomon culture, lasted for over 10,000 years in Japan, has a unique world view that coexists with Japan’s rich natural surroundings. Today the Jomon culture is gathering attention from around the world. In particular, “The Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan” is a hot spot aiming to be registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The two archaeological sites in the Minami-Kayabe region in Hakodate City are part of the heritage assets.
There are many Jomon archaeological sites in Hakodate, and various earthenware, stone tools, clay figurines, etc. have been found. You can see them at the Hakodate Jomon Culture Center.
If you would like to see the Jomon archaeological sites and know the Jomon culture in Hakodate, you can ask for a guide in various languages. Please select a guide of your choice from the page below and contact him/her directly.