Hakodate Christmas Fantasy is an iconic winter event in Hakodate. An immense Christmas tree is floating in the bay fronting the Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse, with fireworks every day at 18:00. Soup bars will also be out on the sidewalks of Hakoday Bay.

Hakodate prospered as an international port in the Meiji Period (1868 – 1912), and Western culture, such as Christianity, settled into the city. This is why the Hakodate Christmas Fantasy has become one of the major Christmas events in Japan.

The Christmas tree will be lit up every day from 16:30 to 17:45 and from 18:00 to 22:00, with fireworks at 18:00. This year, the Premium Red Tree, with special lighting, can be seen daily at 18:30, 19:30, and 20:30.

Visitors should take a stroll on the grounds after the fireworks or try the soup delights offered by local eateries.

The Red Brick Warehouse is a shopping mall where visitors can enjoy shopping and dining at leisure. During this period, streets such as Hachiman-zaka, Nijukken-zaka, Kaiko-dori, and the JR Hakodate Station area will also be lit up. It’s the perfect time to enjoy the festive winter atmosphere of the city.